February 1, 2023
Macon County Economic Development (MCED) works to promote investment in Macon County through business expansion and business attraction by being a resource to companies and small businesses. Our office is often the first impression new businesses have of Macon County and we are committed to making that a great and lasting one. Additionally, the support, i.e., planning, grant and grant writing assistance, revolving loan programs, state & local incentives, workforce development, youth programs, tourism, etc. provided through this economic development office, ultimately facilitates business retention and attraction and an enhanced quality of life for our citizens.
MCED is a non-profit organization that is funded by outside contributions and memberships used to keep this office and more importantly, our community moving forward. Please consider partnering with us by investing in MCED with a tax-deductible contribution.
We are excited about our future and look forward to working with you to make it successful.
Sue Goulder ~ Director
2023 Investor Program Levels
Member/Business Name: _____________________Contact Name: ____________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________Email Address: ____________________________
Telephone: Fax: ___________________________
Business Level up to $249
Bronze Level $250 – $499
Silver Level $500 – $2,999
Gold Level $3,000 – $7,999
Platinum Executive Level (Voting Board Seat) $8,000
2023 Investment $__________________
Would you like to be invoice annually (in June) Y/N Would you like to be invoice quarterly? (April, June, Sept., & Dec.) Y/N
Please make checks payable to:
Macon County Economic Development
303 North Missouri Street; Suite A, Macon, MO 63552
Retain a copy of this form as receipt of your tax-deductible donation.
Please FAX, mail, or email this form by 3/15/2023.